Eden Community Ventures1

Eden Community Ventures Corporation

A Community Focused / Relationship Driven / Business Developer / Job Creator

Who We Are

The Eden Community Ventures Corp, (Eden) is a federally recognized 501 (c)(3) organization located in Baltimore, Maryland. We are a diverse group of community leaders, professionals, and business leaders with over 200-years of professional and social experience combined. We are well-versed in business and community planning and development, as well as problem-solving and workforce expansion.

Why We Exist

Eden will train a new corps of young and energetic social entrepreneurs who are ethically and financially committed to “Move Baltimore forward.” These entrepreneurs will co-create sustainable businesses and jobs that are designed to profitably meet the direct needs of Baltimore City’s underserved communities and provide a life-long pathway for all stakeholders. 

We believe it is God’s heart and desire for all individuals and communities to flourish. This was His desire and design from the beginning of time. 

The Mission

Our mission is to bring a new model of economic development to Baltimore City’s underserved communities by developing businesses that create jobs and support services primarily for individuals for whom college is not an immediate option as well as those who have been recently incarcerated, aging out of foster care, and veterans. We will accomplish this by providing education on the financial principles required to enable personal and professional success, and then establishing small businesses that will provide employment, amenities, and services needed in those communities.

What We Do

Eden intends to build a social entrepreneurship-investment-training program with a long-term view. A workforce-investment-training that is robust, demanding, and innovative in its approach. A social entrepreneurship-investment-training builds on the foundation that a human being is born into this world fully equipped not only to take care of himself or herself, but also to contribute in enlarging the well-being of his or her surrounding communities.

We contribute our collective resources of time, talent, experience, and capital to create jobs and economic opportunities in under-served communities. We seek to develop and invest in “non-profit” and “for-profit” enterprises and organizations that are aligned with community-related goals and objectives.

Why It Is Important

Our inner-city communities need jobs and small businesses to serve the community’s needs. Small businesses create jobs and are the foundation and engine for economic growth within communities. Self-employment is the quickest and easiest way to eliminate poverty and create jobs in low- and middle-income communities. Small businesses raise living standards, attract additional investment, and reduce “economic leakage” by keeping spending inside communities.