Eden Community Ventures Corporation

A Community Focused / Relationship Driven / Business Developer / Job Creator

Eden's Mission

The Eden Community Ventures Corporation’s (“ECVC”) mission is to create jobs and economic opportunity in lower-income communities through the direct support of small businesses as well as by advocating for systemic change to increase investment in these vulnerable communities.

Moving Baltimore Forward

Why Business Develoment

The “typical” strategy of dealing with urban poverty by providing huge tax credits and other financial incentives to large and well-established corporations to move into low- and moderate-income communities, rather than helping America’s urban entrepreneurs in creating locally operated food cooperatives, small financial institutions, day-cares, mechanic shops, restaurants, and barber/beauty salons, can no longer be the “economic policy du jour.”

Consequently, to truly address the issue of poverty, ECVC argues that Community Action Agencies and community-based organizations operating in low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities must focus their resources on developing programs that increase business ownership, that train urban residents on finances and wealth-building, and that open the access to cheap capital for business development.

One of the most lasting and promising ways to address poverty in LMI communities is through minority business development.  ECVC contends that self-employment is the quickest and easiest way to reduce poverty and create employment in LMI communities.  However, for any new model of entrepreneurship program to work, it must be based on community-self-reliance, and it must come from community-minded activists, philanthropists, and small businesspeople. Such an entrepreneurship model must link business development with community development.

BYA’s mission to train a new corps of young and energetic social entrepreneurs who are ethically committed to “Move Baltimore forward.”  We operate because it is necessary that the voices of the youth of this city are heard and taken seriously.  In short, BYA is a comprehensive social entrepreneurial initiative that is designed to drastically improve the educational achievement and economic gaps seen in urban America.

Social Entrpreneurship Overview

The "Overview" is to introduce high school students to the concept of social entrepreneurship, to develop skills essential for business, and to give students the opportunity to think and act in enterprising ways.

Social Entrepreneurship Pilot Program

Non-Licensing Track

Our Social Entrepreneurship Pilot Programs are geared towards high school seniors who are preparing to graduate and are uncertain as to whether they will attend college. Our Non-Licensing track will give students the skills, and insight needed to create their our pathway to success.

Social Entrpreneurship Overview

The "Overview" is to introduce high school students to the concept of social entrepreneurship, to develop skills essential for business, and to give students the opportunity to think and act in enterprising ways.

Social Entrepreneurship Pilot Program

Non-Licensing Track

Our Social Entrepreneurship Pilot Programs are geared towards high school seniors who are preparing to graduate and are uncertain as to whether they will attend college. Our Non-Licensing track will give students the skills, and insight needed to create their our pathway to success.

Youth Business Incubating Center

The Youth Business Incubating Center will operate as a Social Enterprise Incubator for the Youths of Baltimore City. Our goal is to encourage young local entrepreneurs to develop businesses that identify unmet local needs within the specific community from which they intend to operate and must design a viable business plan that will meet those unmet needs.


The Center intends to nurture its start-ups by assisting them in every step of the start-up’s life cycle.  The services that will be provided to these start-ups will include, but not limited to, marketing, accounting, taxation and legal advice.  Lastly, the center will also serve as a venture capital firm.