Isaiah Green
Mr. Isaiah Green is the Chief Marketing Officer of Baltimore Youth in Action and Board Member of Eden Community Ventures Corporation. Mr. Green joins BYA during his senior year at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School and he is one of the original members of that organization. Mr. Green’s goal is to promote change and give hope to all young men and women in need. He is determined to accomplish his goal by using BYA as a social entrepreneurship platform to communicate with and motivate Baltimore City’s youths.
Mr. Green is a strong believer in doing the hard work that is necessary to create generational wealth and to repair the multitude of poverty-stricken neighborhoods. He believes education and building strong relationships can lead to endless possibilities. He believes Baltimore City Public Schools have failed to equip its students with the necessary tools that could have helped them achieved a better future. Finally, Mr. Green believes by exposing Baltimore City’s youths to entrepreneurship concepts, such as busines creation, and real estate investing and financing can inspire new ideas that would likely lead to the creation of wave of new businesses and would to an increase in property ownership among Baltimore City youths.
Mr. Green is a recent graduate of Paul Laurence Dunbar High School (Class of 2020) and will be attending Baltimore City Community College in the fall to pursue certification in EMT. Ultimately, Mr. Green is planning on becoming a Fire Fighter with Baltimore City Fire Department. He is a Project Destined’s internist in real estate E-learning platform.